
Jun 12, 2009

How Teachers learn

The Lessons Are in the Leading
Gordon A. Donaldson Jr.

"The best professional learning experiences help aspiring leaders integrate skills, knowledge, and personal meaning as they perform."

To read this article, click on the following link:

The article discussed a structured observation-and-learning process, do you think it is effective?

From Surviving to Thriving
Sonia Nieto

"To remain enthusiastic and committed in their work, teachers need environments that promote meaningful learning."

To read this article, click on the following link:

After reading this article, what do teachers need to learn in your opinion?

Moving Beyond Talk
Debra Smith, Bruce Wilson and Dick Corbett

"Six conditions helped these urban districts launch—and sustain—strong learning communities."

To read this article, click on the following link:

What is the crucial step you would suggest to provide a stimulating and safe learning environment?

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