
Nov 21, 2009

Every Day in Every Classroom

By Laura Greenstein

Educational Leadership

November 2009

Any teacher can incorporate formative assessment into teaching routines. Here's how.
When students walk into a classroom that promotes learning through formative assessment, they notice. Mei notices the weekly learning goals posted on the board that help her focus. Ernesto enjoys the activities at the beginning of each unit that probe how much he knows about a topic; he understands that he will learn much more along the way. Casey feels secure knowing exactly how grades will be determined, and she is becoming good at assessing her own and her classmates' work using rubrics...
...Because students have such a range of learning styles and needs, teachers need a repertoire of strategies to make formative assessment work. Before I administer a summative assessment, I pull the following strategies out of my bag of tricks—as I begin an instructional unit, during instruction, and even after I have finished direct instruction.

Which strategies does the author use in During-Instruction Check-Ins?

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