
Dec 29, 2009

ERC New Journals

The list below contains the names of newest ERC journals and articles. You may ask for your desired journal or the article.

Name of Journal

1. Childhood Education /Fall 2009
  • Achieving success with African American Learners: A Framework for culturally Responsive Mathematis teaching
  • Drawing opens pathways to problem solving for young children
  • Pre-Kindergartners learn to Write.
  • Teacher Strategies for smoothing the transition to middle school
  • A Policy Examination of teaching and learning for early childhood education

2. Educational Leadership /Fall-09

  • Teaching with interactive whiteboards (already posted).
  • Health learning

3. Educational Management Administration & Leadership/Nov-09

  • Assessing teacher performance
  • Investigating secondary school leader's perceptions of performance management.
  • Assessing the performance of secondary school headteachers
  • Community involvement in school development
  • Adolescent leadership development.

4. English Teaching Professional /Nov-09

  • Is Reading aloud allowed?
  • Walking Sticks
  • Literacy in two languages.

5. La Recherche/Dec-09

  • Les Promesses des Energies Renouvelables.
  • Ardipithèque nouvel ancêtre de l'homme.
  • Dépister la délinquance dans le cerveau de l'enfant.

6. Le Français dans le Monde/Nov -Dec 2009

  • Fêtes & Traditions

7. Mathematics Teacher /Nov-09

  • Ten things to consider when teaching proof
  • Learning Deductive reasoning through games of logic
  • Preparing for formal proof on geometry.

Dec 2009/January 2010

  • Mathematics problems from ancient Egyptian papyri
  • Mathematical letter writing
  • Algebra, Home Mortgage and Recessions

8. Modern English Teacher /Oct-09

  • Teaching with style
  • The Amazing power of sayings and quotations
  • The idiot's guide to big grammar items
  • Diagnostic procedures in language learning
  • Teaching be and do

9. Pour la Science/Dec-09

  • Les Néandertaliens pourquoi ont-ils disparu?
  • Les étoiles noires
  • Vaccins innovants
  • Classements automatiques .


  • Hasard et incertitude les défis qu'ils posent.
  • Le casse-tête des évènements rares.
  • Des gènes sous l'emprise du hasard.
  • Du Chaos dans les neurones.

10. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques/2009

  • Problèmes de dénombrement et émergence de premiers modèles fonctionnels
  • Rapports et articulations entre cadres théorique: Le cas de la théorie anthropologique du didactique
  • Les équations différentielles a l'interface mathématiques-physique .

11. School Science and Mathematics /Oct-09

  • Constructing elementary teachers' beliefs, Attitudes and practical knowledge through an Inquiry-Based elementary science science course.
  • Beginning Mathematics teachers' .
  • Preservice teacher's Analysis of children's work to make instructional decisions.
  • Science and mathematics education in a context of National crises


  • Graphing calculator use in algebra teaching
  • Exploring middle school girls '

12. Science Education/ Nov-09

  • Hight School science teachers' views of standard and Accountability
  • The Link between policy and practice in science education
  • Academic preparation in biology and advocacy for teaching evolution

13. Teaching Children Mathematics / Dec 2009 Jan 2010

  • In Mathematics a universal language.


  • Math Club problem posing
  • Support preservice teacher's reasoning and justification
  • Mathematical graphic organizers
  • Early Algebra to reach range of learners
  • Supporting math Vocabulary acquisition.

14. Technology and Learning/Nov-09

  • The Facts on online learning
  • Facebook faceoff continues

15. Young Children/Nov-09

  • Make a Little Music
  • Using Read-Alouds with critical literacy literature in K-3 Classrooms
  • Digital Tools for the early childhood Curriculum.
  • Helping all families participate in schools

16. لغة العصر/Dec-09

  • الانترنت هل تفتت الدولة الواقعية وتبني الامة الافتراضية
  • روشتة رقمية لوجبة سليمة وهنية
  • دليلك لتصبح عضوا نشطاً على الفيس بوك

1 comment:

  1. All of the articles' names attracted me(except those written in French heheh)
    Expect my visit soon:)
