
Dec 12, 2009

General Knowledge Riddle

Please answer one of the following 2 questions:

1. What is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard?

2. What is the easiest way to learn and memorize the multiplication table of number 9?

Don't forget, BLOG and win prizes with Makassed ERC......

Good Luck


  1. The easiest way to learn and memorize the multiplication table of number 9 is by using your 10 fingers. Spread your fingers infront of you and close the first one for 9x1 the remaining fingers are 9, the answer. Spread again and close the second finger for 9x2 you will have one finger on one side and eight fingers on the other side,this is 18, the answer, and so on for 3,4,5,6,7,8,and 10

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  3. As for the second riddle,I like to share with u this site:
    it contains songs that help students memorize the multiplication table easily.

  4. Dear Mrs. Aida,

    That is great.

    Can we write this in mathematical terms?????????

  5. Dear Miss Rawaa,

    In fact, I've googled the word, and looked for it in several dictionaries and thesurus, but unfortunately I didn't find it. Would you please explain it to us.......:)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I googled it to find that this word has recently been put into the dictionary, however it means: A primary/earlier/former type,an element could be described as a proterotype as it cannot be broken down further.

  8. Concerning the first riddle, the mathematical terms of the easiest way to learn the multiplication table of numbr 9 is:
    9 x n = (n-1)(10-n)
    EX: 9 x 4 = (4-1)(10-4)=36

    Regarding the practical way to learn this, Mrs. Aida answered correctly, and she's the winner.

    Congratulations Mrs. Aida!!!!

  9. Concerning the second riddle, the answer could have been typewriter, but Miss Rawaa added to our knowledge one word which is proterotype.
    Thank you Miss Rawaa and Congratulations....
    You are the winner of this riddle!!!!!!!!!!
