
Jan 19, 2010

General Knowledge Riddle

To participate in the contest, please answer one of the following 2 riddles:

1. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?

2. When and how had the phrase 'goodnight, sleep tight' started to be used?

3, 2, 1.......Gooooooo


  1. 2. Before box springs were in use, old bed frames used rope pulled tightly between the frame rails to support a mattress. If the rope became loose, the mattress would sag making for uncomfortable sleeping. Tightening the ropes would help one get a good night sleep.

  2. 1- They are all invented by women.
    I hope Mrs.Rawya and I will win this time also:)

  3. Your answers are correct ladies.

    Bravoooo Rawaa and Rawya....

    You are the winners...

    Set your counters and let's count your .... 1, 2,....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
