
Feb 8, 2010

ERC New Journals

The list below contains the names of newest ERC Journals for the year 2010. You can ask for your desired journal or article by visiting or sending your request to ERC,or by writing a comment.

Name Of Journals

1- Pour la science -No.387-janvier 2010

  • Les Frères du Soleil

  • L'or des mers Les Coquillages, des monnaies de prestige

  • La Bronchiolite du nourrisson

2- English teaching professional- No. 66- January 2010

  • The Rise and rise of the interactive whiteboard

  • The Corporate domain

  • Dual Language teaching

3- Young children- Vol. 65- No.1 - January 2010

  • Learning through experience

4- Childhood Education- Winter 2009-2010

  • An Argument for Recess

  • Children's Literacy development

  • Orphan children with disabilities in China

  • Tangrams and Spatial Sense

  • Supporting reading and Math through fitness fun.

5 - Pour la science- No. 388- Février 2010

  • La Montée des Océans jusqu'a ou?

  • Les Cités perdues d'amazonie

  • L’intolérance au gluten

6- Tech & Learning- Vol.30-No.6 – January r 2010

  • Best Print Solutions

  • Letting Students be your guide

  • The State of Stem

7- Mathematics Teacher- Vol .103- No. 6- February 2010

  • Common errors in counting problems

  • What mathematics do hight school teachers need to know

  • Technology and proof

8- Tech & Learning- Vol.30- No.5- December 2009

  • The Big Win Issue

  • The Best Products to use

  • Student Work to inspire

9- La Recherche- No.438- Février 2010

  • La Nouvelle histoire de l'homme

  • La Renaissance de la thérapie génique

  • Lointains sursauts gamma.

10- le français dans le monde- No.21- Janvier 2010

  • Francophonies Arabes

11- La Recherche- No. 650 – Janvier 2010

  • Les Découvertes de L'année

  • Cahier spécial ce qu'il faut suivre en 2010.

12- School Science and Mathematics- Vol.109- No.8- Dec 2009

  • The Relationship between lesson study and self-Efficacy.

  • Development of a Geometric Spatial Visualization tool

  • Science Teacher efficacy and outcome expectancy as predictors of students End-of Instruction Biology.

  • Research in the Classroom: The Flow Lab: A Simple Activity for generating NOS Principles.

  • The Frequency, Variation, and Function of Graphical representation within standardized state science tests.


  1. I'm not sure if we can request more than one journal...if yes, I'd like to read journals 2, 3, 6, and 8.
    Thanks Ms. Hiba

  2. Ok Mrs Rawya
    I Will reserve them for you. :)

  3. ERC Team

    I commend your interest and follow up

    I am sure the Rawya's of Makassed will flock in eventually
    that is, after the Good Rawya has read them all !!!!

