
Oct 11, 2010

ERC New Journals

The List Below Contains the names of Newest ERC Journals for the year 2010, you can ask for your desired journal or article by visiting or sending your request to ERC, or by writing a comment.

Name of Journals:

1- La Recherche-No.442-Juin 2010.

  • Après Einstein, de nouvelles théories proposent de s'en passer

  • Le Reveil des volcans islandais

  • Peut-on limiter l'expérimentation animale?

2- English teaching Forum-Vo.47-No.4-2009

  • Tools for Activating materials and tasks in the English language classroom

  • The Formeaning response Approach: Poetry in the EFL Classroom

  • Learning to learn cooperatively

  • Journals in the language classroom

  • Michigan: The Great Lakes State

3- Modern English Teacher- Vol.19-No.2- April 2010

  • New Horizons in language, Philosophy and teaching

  • Reviewing language in class

  • Drawing on drawing games

  • Logic for language learning 2

  • The shorter the better

  • Give Students space

4- Childhood Education- Vol.86-No.5-Annual 2010

  • Creating Friendly and supportive environments for teachers

5- Le Français dans le monde-No.369-Mai-juin 2010

  • A Madrid, L'apprenant a droit a sa bibliothèque

  • La diversité linguistique a l'honneur en Finland

6- Mathematics teacher - Vol.102-No.9- May 2009

  • Parabolas under pressure

7- Teching & Learning- Vol.30- No.12- July 2010

  • Back Office business , How schools get it done

  • Grant writing essentials, Best practices from winning districts

8- Educational Management Administration& Leadership- Vol.38- No.3- May 2010

  • Distributed curriculum leadership in Action: A Hong Kong Case study

  • Working with secondary schools leadership in a large-scale Reform in London

  • Complexity theory, schools leadership and management: Questions for theory & practice

9- Childhood Education- Vol.86-No.2- Winter 2009

  • Children's Literacy development

  • Visual Arts Curriculum

  • Supporting reading and Math through

10- Modern English teacher- Vol.19- No.3

  • How we use phrasal verb

  • Utilizing classroom space

11- Pour la Science - No.394-Aout 2010

  • Les Calmars Géants

  • Des Créatures mythiques bien réelles

12- Pour la Science- No.393- Juillet 2010

  • Une Lune de Saturne qui ressemble a la terre

  • Infatigable cerveau: Même au repos, le cerveau reste actif

  • Les Radars passifs: Détecter des avions furtifs sans être repéré

13- Educational Management Administration & Leadership

  • South African Female principals' career paths: Understanding the Gender Gap in secondary school Management

  • Comparison of Family Care responsibilities of first-generation and Non-first-generation Female Administrators in the Academy

  • Models in Educational Administration

  • Understanding the relationship between teacher and decision making

  • Teacher participation in curriculum and pedagogical decisions: Insight into curriculum leadership

14- La Recherche- No.443-Juillet-Aout 2010

  • La Nouvelle physiologie du Gout

  • Noam Chomsky: Le Language sert d'abord a penser

15-Le Français dans le monde -No.370-Juillet-Aout 2010

  • Au Japon, Un Apprentissage en ligne dès le niveau débutant

  • Protection des océans un jeu d'éducation

16-Science Education- Vo.94-No.5-sep 2010

  • Teaching and learning science as argument

  • The Impact of a project-Based science curriculum on minority student achievement, Attitudes and Careers

  • Science Education as a contributor to Adequate progress and accountability programs

17- Childhood Education-Vol.86- No.6- 2010

  • Father/Male Involvement in the care and education of children

18- La Recherche- No.445- Octobre 2010

  • Recréer la vie du premier génome synthétique a la cellule artificielle

  • L'Ordinateur qui obéit aux gestes

19- English Teaching Professional- Issue 70- sept 2010

  • Striking a balance

  • Reported speech rules,what rules?

  • More than please and thank you

  • The Tourist Trap!

20- Mathematics teacher - Vol.104-No.1-August 2010

  • Seasoning mathematics with garlic : Functions, Assessment

21- English Teaching professional - Issue 69- July 2010

  • Comunity spirit

  • The Teacher as construction worker

  • Write your own course

22- Teaching children mathematics - Vol.17-No.1- Aug 2010

  • math is Fun

  • Communication Speaks

23- Pour la science - No.395- sept 2010

  • Les Fractales

  • Paroles de singes

  • L'univers qui fuit

  • Illusions visuelles

24- Technologie & Learning -Vol.31-No.2 sept 2010

  • What's Next EDtech's : Future Leaders

25- Pour La Science-No.396-Octobre 2010

  • L'homme a-t-il failli disparaitre?

  • Exoplanètes

  • Le Bisphénol

  • Les Lasers aléatoires

26- Le Français dans le monde-No.371-Sept 2010

  • De Saint-Malo à Bamako : un lecteur public pour donner le goût du livre

  • Enseignement en immersion à l'université américaine de Middlebury

27- La Recherche- No.444- sept 2010

  • Matière Noire : De quoi est réellement fait l'univers

  • Golfe du Mexique questions sur une catastrophe

  • Innovation: Les 10 ans de la Allègre

28- English Teaching Forum- Vo.48-No.3-2010

  • From Passive learners to critical thinkers: preparing EFL students for university success

  • Twenty Ideas for using Mobile phones in the language classroom

  • Using Grammar translation technique effectively

29- Mathematics teacher-May 2010

  • A New Look at portfolio assignments

30-Pour la science - No.391- Mai 2010

  • La Naissance violente des Continents

  • L'harmonie musicale

  • Le Sommeil des bébés

31-Mathematics teacher- Vol.104-No.2-sept 2010

  • Chocolate key cryptography

  • History of trigonometry

  • View-tube analysis

32- Science Education - Vol.94-No.2-March 2010

  • The Role of the teacher in engaging hight school students in argumentation

  • Ideas about the nature of science in pedagogically contexts