
Oct 15, 2011

New journals

The Names of New journals in ERC library:

1.Mathematics teacher -Vol.105-No.2-september 2011

1- Corner reflector mathematics

2-Algebra aerobics

3-What's inside the cube? Students' investigation with models and technology

4-Voronoi Diagrams and spring rain

5-The Amazing mathematical race

2.Tech & learning-Vol.32-No.2-september 2011

1-Special Report: Assessment :Why you need it, how to get it.

2-How effective is RTI: Districts hand in their grades.

3-Keeping tabs: their time has come, but which type is right for your school.

3. Young children-Vol. 66-No.5- september 2011

1-Fostering critical thinking&problem-solving skills

2-Preschoolers grow their brains:shifting mindsets for greater resiliency and better problem solving.

3-Humpty Dumpty and Rosa parks: Making space for critical dialogue with 5 and 6 year olds.

4-Moving Bodies, building Minds: Foster preschooler's Critical thinking and problem solving through movement.

5-Using toys to support infant-todler learning and development

6-Resources for fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in young children

4. Educational management administration&leadership-Vol.39-No.5-september 2011

1- Becoming a school principal: Exciting opportunity or Daunting challenge?

2- Successful school leadership in rural contexts: the case of cyprus

3- Challenging and supporting new leader development.

4-Teacher learning, Instructional considerations and principal communication.

5- When are teachers motivated to work beyond retirement age? the importance of support, change of work role and money.

6-Shared leadership and organizational citizenship behaviour in jordanian public universities.

7- Academies and Educational reform, governance,leadership and strategy.

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