
Dec 30, 2011

Clever Answer

An excertp from a small dialogue between Jane Eyre and Mr Broclehurst (Movie)

Mr. Brocklehurst: Do you know, Eyre, where the wicked go after death?
Young Jane: They go to hell.
Mr. Brocklehurst: And what is hell?
Young Jane: A pit full of fire.
Mr. Brocklehurst: Should you like to fall into this pit and be burned there forever.
Young Jane: No, sir.
Mr. Brocklehurst: How might you avoid it?
Young Jane: I must keep in good health and not die.


  1. hehehe this is a good morning as it started with a with the coming of a fresh year, staying in good health throughout the year should be one of the new year's resolutions...
