
Jan 23, 2012

Readiness Visit at Makassed ABSS

Dr. Rob Leveillie, AdvanceED Vice President for International Affairs, has visited Makassed ABSS School on January 18, 2012, and has granted the school a Candidacy for Accreditation upon its completion of the standards for the Readiness Visit. Dr. Rob Leveillie was accompanied by Mrs. Hiba Nashabeh , Makassed  KBWH College Principal  and  representative of AdvancED in Lebanon. ABSS is PROUD to announce its Journey towards the achievement of the NCA-SACS International Standards.
Congratulations Makassed ABSS Team!

1 comment:

  1. Yet another recognition of Makassed Excellence
    I am grateful to Aida and her team for living up to the standards of accreditation and accepting the challenge
    I thank AdvancED VP Dr Leveillee for his great spirit and love apparent for Makassed.
    and last but not Least, to Hiba the Principal of Makassed KBWH who is offering her stamina and efforts and Makassed loyalty to up hold the Archaic Institution
