
Apr 7, 2012

ERC New Journals

We have received Newest journals in ERC , you can borrow at any time you want by writing comment .

Names of New Journals:

1- Teaching Children Mathematics - Vo.18- No.7

1. Out -of-this World Calculations

2. A Maths-Box Tale

3.Conceptualizing Division with Remainders

4.Authentic geometry adventures

5. CCSSM: Getting started in K-Grade 2

2- Educational Leadership - Vol.69-No.6-March 2012

1. Adolescent Literacy: More Than Remediation

2. Teaching genre with purpose

3.Teaching for historical literacy

4. Adress reading problem early

5. What you ve learned about teaching reading

3- Mathematics Teacher - Vol.105-No.7-March 2012

1. Tapering Timbers: Finding the volume of conical frustums

2. Pondering on pocket-sized polyhedra

3. Discovering the inscribed Angle theorem

4. Fostering Spatial vs. Metric understanding in geometry

4- Tech & learning -Vol 32-No.8-March 2012

1. 21 century student handbook: Teaching today's web-centric Kids

2. Schoolcio :On Notice

3. The BUzz about Apple's iBook

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