
May 8, 2012

New Journals in ERC

Names of new journals:

1- Mathematics teacher - Vol.105-No.8-April 2012

1. The Devil and Daniel's spreadsheet: A Tool that combines the power of computer algebra and traditional spreadsheets can greatly enhance the study of recursive processes.
2. Multiple proof approaches and Mathematical connections: Using technology to explore the Three Altitudes of a triangle problem,students devise many proofs for their conjectures/
3.Practicing algebric skills: A conceptual approach: Integrating procedures and thinking processes makes learning more meaningful
4.Dragging and Making sense of invariants in Dynamic geometry
5.Enhancing Understanding of transformation matrices

2- Teaching children Mathematics - Vol.18-No.8- April 2012

1. Calculating puddle size: First-Grade students' cooperative problem solving to develop the concept of measurement gives their teacher an eye-opening preassessment.
2.Making sense of Fractions and percentages: Teaching young children to create equal-size groups is your tresure map for building students flexible, connected understanding of and reasoning about ratios,Fractions,and multiplicative operations.
3. CCSSM: Teaching in Grades 3 and 4

3- Educational Leadership- Vol.69-No.7-April 2012

1. The Common core of readiness
2.How do we teach students to care deeply about their country?
3. College and Career Readiness: Same or Different?
4. Why we need more and better career education and counseling.
5. Motivating students to aspire to college and career requires a developmental approach.
6.How to talk about Religion?
7.What Schools can do to adress barriers to college readiness for all.
8.How some schools are encouraging young people to transform their world.
9. High school students are lobbying leaders to give all students a civics-rich classroom experience like their own.
10. An early college experience creates expectations for success.
11. A Real World starts here .

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