
May 3, 2012

"A Week in the Life" Project: Handshakes by Fourth Graders/ Makassed OBK School

Fourth Graders' Handshake 

screenshot of the comments on the class' handshake

Students also created individual handshakes to their sub-teams using Voki, Glogster, Animoto, and Jigsaw Planet web tools. Click on the student's name and go to his/ her handshake. You will certainly enjoy watching their vokis and solving their jigsaw puzzles.

Bashir K
Mohammad K
Lyn  B
Janeen K
Mohammad W
Sara B
Sara S
Omar H
Aya K
Mohammad M
Amal A
Bilal K
Kamela K
Anees S
Mira Y
Ragheed N
Faisal S
Nour O
Abdullah S
Aya Kh
Ahmad R
Mohammad Kh
Nour H
Mohammad D
Aya H

A very BIG thank you goes to Mrs. Nabiha Tabbara, Maliha Fdawi, and Nada Shukair for the effort you have made. Thank you fourth graders, you did a great job! and get ready for the next assignment!

...and here is my handshake to 'Housing and Transportation' B1 team:
Rawya Shatila

About Us 'Popplet'

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