
Jun 11, 2012

Student Summit for "A Week in the Life" Project- Makassed OBK 4th Graders

Student Summit for "A Week in the Life" Project... 
Finally, and after six weeks of connecting, communicating, and collaborating, Fourth Graders at Makassed OBK School had the chance to meet their friends! The last part of the project was a wonderful experience!Using Blackboard Collaborate, each class was invited to present the project findings to the accumulated audience. Special interactions and experiences occured during this event. Special and BIG thank you goes to Mr. Ghassan Droubi, Mr. Mazen Al-Sheikh, Mrs.Nabiha Karanouh Tabbara, Mrs.Maliha Fdawi, Mrs Nada Shukair, and of course to our fourth did a great job!

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