
Jun 9, 2012

A Week in the Life Project: Makassed OBK Voicethreads

Fourth Graders at Makassed OBK School were divided into groups of six to eight other students to share and create voicethreads. They have researched different topics in their community. After discussing their ideas with their friends through the "Popplet" tool, they collected multimedia for their topics to add them to their sub- group voicethreads.
The topics were:
School, Leisure Time, Housing and Transportation, Food and Celebrations, Clothing and Language, and Environment. 
The guided questions were:
  • What are the similarities and differences among children around the world and how can we connect through commonalities?
  • How does your geography impact your theme topic? 
    Here are some of the voicethreads of fourth graders sub- groups:

    Faisal: Leisure Time B6
    Nour: Food and Celebrations B2
    Mohammad: Housing and Transportation B1
    Bashir: School Time B1
    Mohammad: Language and Clothing B4
    Janeen: School Time B4
    Sara: Language and Clothing B5
    Aya: Food and Celebrations B3
    Abed: Environment B2
    Omar: School Time B6
    Nour: Environment B1
    Bilal: Housing and Transportation B2
    Mira: Leisure Time B4
    Mohammad: School Time B2
    Ahmad: Food and Celebrations B5
    Ragheed: Housing and Transportation B5

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