
Connected Educator Month: August 2012

Network to Learn, Collaborate to Innovate

"Connected Educator Month" kicks off this week. The goal throughout this August is to expose the broader audience of educators and administrators to the benefits of peer professional development. There will be coordinated opportunities to participate in events and activities in dozens of online locations to develop skills and enhance one’s personal learning network. All activities are free.

The full official calendar can be found at

Jul 26, 2012

Handwrite, a new way to search on Google

a fun and easy new way to search Google from your smartphone or tablet


  Visit Google on your smartphone or tablet, click 'Settings,' found at the bottom of the page, and then enable 'Handwrite.' This feature is currently available in 27 languages.

Jul 24, 2012

Google’s Search by Image

 Google Images: a powerful feature to Google's Image Search

Now you can use an image instead of words to start your Google search: drag in, upload, or paste a URL for any image to find relevant images from across the web.

Jul 23, 2012

Makka Live in Ramadan

"MakkahLive" has been launched that shows live prayers from Al Masjid al-Haram... You can watch and listen to live Tarawih prayers and see special programs related to Ramadan through YouTube. 
Google said:
"This is the first LiveStream event coming from MENA, specifically Saudi Arabia, and we hope that it will give the opportunity not only to 2 billion Muslims but to the entire world to observe ~1M Muslims praying each day from the holiest point in Makkah, The Kaaba, for the first time in history."
This is the live stream of prayers from Masjid-Al-Haram, Makkah.

Jul 9, 2012

مدرسة المقاصد ضيعة العرب تنال لوحة التميّز

نالت مدرسة ضيعة العرب "قضاء الزهراني" التابعة لجمعيّة المقاصد الخيريّة الإسلاميّة في بيروت، لوحة التميّز لحصولها على المرتبة الأولى لمحافظتي الجنوب وجبل لبنان لحسن تلاوة القرآن الكريم والتي كانت قد نالتها الطالبة ميريانا يوسف الدّحيوي بمعدل 20/20.
في حفل جماهيري في مدرسة خالد بن الوليد بالحرج في بيروت، حضره رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد الخيريّة الإسلاميّة في بيروت أ.م.أمين الداعوق، والشّيخ أمين الكردي ممثلاً مفتي الجمهوريّة اللبنانيّة، ووزير الإعلام الأستاذ وليد الداعوق، وشخصيّات دينيّة، وسياسيّة، واجتماعيّة.
ولهذه المناسبة الكريمة بارك رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد في بيروت أ.أمين الداعوق لمدير مدرسة ضيعة العرب الأستاذ نجيب ياسين ومدرس مادتيّ القرآن الكريم والتربية الدينيّة الشّيخ طارق عليوة نيل المدرسة لوحة التميّز بتقديمه درعاً حفر عليه اسم المدرسة للمرّة الثالثة على التوال

Smart Seat App for Teachers

Manage your classes in the palm of your hand using Smart Seat App. Smart Seat lets you create seating charts, quickly keep track of attendance, choose random students for class participation, and gives you the freedom to make notes about students, parents, or anything you want...
Learn more about this app features HERE.

Jul 4, 2012

'The Global Classroom Project" 2011-12 Closing Webinar

"Looking Forwards...Looking Back"

The Global Classroom 2011-12 Closing Webinars were held over the weekend, and marked the official conclusion of our 2011-12 project.
'The Gruffalo Project'- Makassed OBK School, 'The Sunny Thought Project'- Makassed Khadija Al-Kobra School, and 'Flat Stanley Project'- Makassed KSPS...were featured...
Special Thank You to Michael Graffin, the Global Classroom co-founder and coordinator...