
New Journals

New Journals at MERC

Name of Journals:

1- Educational Leadership -Vol.69-No.4 -December 2011/January 2012

- The Resourceful School

- Teacher Quality: What's wrong with U.S Strategy?

- Privatization : A Drain on public Schools.

- A New Vision for summer school

- A 21 st century library in a 20 th century space

- U.S schools get less for More

2- Mathematics Teacher - Vol.105-No.5- December 2011/January 2012

- A New perspective on three-Dimensional geometry.

- Teaching geometry through problem-Based learning.

- Analyzing Highway speeding Data in the Statistics Classroom.

- Adding Depth to geometry through Flatland.

3- Teaching Children Mathematics- Vol.18- No.5- Dec 2011/Jan 2012

- Teaching Number in the Early Elementary Years.

- Listening Responsively.

- Teaching Measurement with Literature.

- Connecting Class Talk with Individual Student Writing.

1. Educational Management Administration & Leadership-Vol.39-No.6-Nov 2011

1-The Micropolitics of Educational change

2- Principals and the politics of resistance to change

3- A Case Study of leadership transition: Continuity and change

4- School Innovation: The Mutual Impacts of Organizational learning and creativity.
5- Narrowing the Gap between Intention and Reality: The Case of special Educational needs Governors in English schools

6- Democratizing Indonesia through Education? Community Participation in Islamic Schooling

7- Managing Student Learning: Schools as Multipliers of Intangible Resources.

8- Performativity in school Management and leadership in Botswana

2. Recherche en didactique des mathématiques -Vol.31/3-2011

1- Technologies et évolution des pratiques enseignantes: Etude de cas et éclairages théorique

2- Sémantique des problèmes et dénombrement de combinaisons

3- Les Pratiques langagière de validation : des étudiants en analyse réelle

3. English teaching FORUM -Vol.49-No.4-2011

1- Harmonious Learning: Yoga in the English Language Classroom

2- Rock and Roll English teaching: Content-Based Cultural Workshops

3- Using Letters to tell stories in the EFL Classroom

4- To The Moon- A Launch Pad for encouraging students to express their opinions

5- Bowling :Entertainment for all ages
6-Classroom Activities