
Teachers Web Tools

101 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About:

 101 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers

Digital Storytelling Resources

Integrating Google Tools for Teachers Workshop

Museum Box Free Tool

'Museum Box' is a free edtech tool that can be integrated in the classroom to showcase a variety of presentations. You can add images, videos, files, links, texts, and sounds. It is also so easy to change the color and size of your box. 

Here is an example of how it looks like when adding images using Museum Box. 

Microsoft's Free Tools

 The Homework Zone

for teachers: Quickly post assignments, test dates, study guides, printable worksheets, events, and announcements.  
for students and parents: keep up-to-date with what's going in class just by visiting their personalized HomeworkZone...
visit HomeworkZone

School Notes for Teachers, Students, and Parents

Teachers, Students, and Parents on the Same Page
for teachers: register and create schoolnotes pages for posting homework, creating flashcards, and sharing information.
for students and parents: keep-up-to date with assignments, and receive email notifications.
visit SchoolNotes 2.0 from Education World Community

21st Century Tools for Educators