
Nov 7, 2009

The Riddle of the Week

Do you know what is the smallest bite?

Think about it, write your answer(s), and try to be the first one who would write the correct answer in order to win the ERC prize.

3...2...1... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I guess Rawaa is right.Our IT told us each byte is 8 bits.
    Anyways, i wish both Aida and Rawaa the best of luck :)

  2. It is a computer BYTE, which is the smallest storage unit. A BYTE holds one charachter at a time, and it consists of 8 bits.

    So, Rawaa has the nearest answer.

    CONGRATULATIONS RAWAA!!!!!!!!!!! You are the winner

  3. mabrouk Rawaa...
    let's share "A BIT" of your gift ;)

  4. Digging Rawaa's intellectual BIT,I am telling you,she is quite brainy...and i have every BIT of evidence :)

  5. I don't know what to say except thanking u Mrs.Ghina.
    I'm happy to be a member of ur great team :):):)
