
Jan 27, 2010

What Helps Us Learn

The following video displays interviews with students about their perceptions of learning

Silence Is Golden

By Judith Gaston Fisher
Educational Leadership
December 2009 Volume 67 Number 4

Leading students in weekly mindfulness meditation helps them learn to calm their emotions and focus their thoughts.

It's Monday morning, a time when many students and teachers might exhibit lethargy. But the faces of my students don't reflect dread of the coming week. They greet one another with smiles that say, "Yes! It's Monday!"

To begin their school week, students turn their chairs to face the wall, put their hands on their knees, and wait for the music to commence. This action signals their readiness to begin Monday morning meditation. We all sit up straight, relax our muscles, and focus on deep "belly breathing." For the next 10 minutes, we settle into silence and a reprieve from external pressures.

To continue, please click on this link:

When Students Don't Play the Game

By Jessica Towbin

Educational Leadership

February 2010 Volume 67 Number 5

Students who broadcast their disengagement from school are challenging—but they can also be a blessing in disguise. ...I gained a new and deeper understanding of what it means to start where the kids are—and why it's essential for effective teaching and learning.

To read this article which tackles different aspects of effective teaching and learning methods as well as students' culture of compliance, please click on this link:

Jan 23, 2010

Contest Riddle

Please answer the following riddle:

Which money is printed everyday for more than the U.S. Treasury?

Good Luck

Jan 19, 2010

Instructional Technology: Looking Backward, Thinking Forward

To watch the video, please click on the following picture:

General Knowledge Riddle

To participate in the contest, please answer one of the following 2 riddles:

1. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?

2. When and how had the phrase 'goodnight, sleep tight' started to be used?

3, 2, 1.......Gooooooo

Jan 18, 2010

ERC Nouvelles Histoires de La Langue Française

Noms des Histoires Française:

- Histoires de Poupées.
- Contes pour les quatre saisons.
- Contes de tous les pays.
- L’imagerie des loisirs.
- L’imagerie de la musique.
- Mon cahier des enfants du monde.
- L’imagerie des enfants du monde.
- Une soupe au caillou.
- Pour faire la fête Entre copines.
- Le savoir-vivre des filles.
- Les animaux.
- La Nature.
- Au jardin des contes.

قصة باللغة العربية

Jan 15, 2010

Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of 'SixthSense' technology

Watch the video then spread the word by clicking on the following picture:

Jan 3, 2010