
Apr 27, 2011

New Arrivals at ERC

We have received a new set of journals in ERC , you can borrow the journal you want it by contacting or visiting ERC or by writing a comment.

The Names of journals and subjects of each one:

1. Science Education- Vol.95- No.1- January 2011

  • Dimensions of communication in Urban science education: Interactions and Transaction

  • Experimental analysis of the effective components of problem-based learning

  • Urban high school students learning about HIV/Aids in different contexts

  • Optimizing teacher preparation loan forgiveness programs

  • Elementary teacher's pedagogical content knowledge for teaching the nature of science

  • Salvaging science literacy

2. Science Education- Vol.95- No.2- March 2011

  • Classroom communities adaptations of the practice of scientific argumentation

  • Argument-driven inquiry as a way to help students learn how to participate in scientific argumentation and craft written arguments

  • Science teachers views of science religion vs. the islamic perspective

  • When is a molecule three dimensional

  • Situational interest of high school students who visit an aquarium

3. Mathematics teacher- Vol.104- No.8- April 2011

  • Logistic growth

  • Absolute value

  • Robotics

4. La Recherche - No.451- Avril 2011

  • Cellules souches: Les Promesses de la médecine régénératrice

  • Catastrophe nucléaire au japon

  • Comment mieux évaluer les médicaments

5- School Science and mathematics - Vol.111-No.2-February 2011

  • Research in the classroom: Using instructional logs to study teacher's adaptation to curricular reform

  • Natural philosophy as a foundation for science education in an age of hight-stakes accountability

  • Preservice mathematics teachers' ambiguous of technology

  • Mathematicians would say it this way: An investigation of teachers' framings of mathematicians

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