
May 3, 2011

Makassed Educational Resource Center (MERC): Second Professional Development Program

We are glad to invite you to Makassed ERC 2nd professional development program for teachers and administrators of schools in lebanon. The program consists of a set of hands-on workshops given by principals and faculty of Makassed schools, trainers from Microsoft and educational technology consultants from Promethean company, ranging from leadership, educational management and technology to various subjects matter areas at all levels.

Date: Friday May 20, 2011

Location: Educational Affairs Directorate

Address: Gezaeri Bdg. Near City Cafe- Sadat St. Hamra, Beirut, lebanon

Workshop's Schedule

7:45-8:00 Registration for session 1

8:00 - 9:55 Session 1 - Workshops promptly begin at 8:00

A1: Teaching geometry using the dynamic software Cabri

Presenter: Mrs.Rana Nakhal

Audience:Secondary Mathematics coordinator, secondary and middle math teachers

Description: Cabri, the dynamic geometry software is a tool designed to enhance and enrich geometry learning by providing students with an environment for constructing and experimenting with geometric figures. It produces a wide range of tools ranging from simple objects to classical constructions. This workshop aims at training teachers to use the features of Cabri 2D in construing geometric figures. Besides, they will be provided with activities for training students to use the software.

A2:I Thought I was in control! The Power of reward

Presenter:Mrs.Mona Mehio - Preschool principal

Audience:Preschool and elementary teachers

Description: What are the best ways to manage students behaviors in the classroom setting and how to benefit from their behavior to shape their characters? How can I benefit from theories, to achieve effective teaching? This workshop would introduce behavior modification to the classroom and empower teachers with strategies, skills and activities for classroom management.

A3: Teaching public speaking the secondary classes

Presenter:Ms.Maisa'a Koleilat- secondary English language coordinator

Audience:Intermediate and secondary English language teachers

Description: The workshop aims at exposing strategies that can be used in the secondary classroom for teaching and training students to master public speaking as a necessary skill. It emphasizes the organization of material and knowledge of communication theory and organization of material and knowledge of communication theory and processes as applied effectively to public speaking skills by practicing and delivering speeches and presentations in a safe environment with personalized feedback.

A4: Designing and implementing ideal lessons using ActivInspire

Presenter: Mr.Rabih Baalbaki - IET Promethean Educational Technology manager

Audience:All teachers.

Description: Promethean ActivInspire Application was designed from teachers to simplfy the designing and implementation of interactive lessons with graphics tools, object oriented programming, and actions. Promethean Activlnspire Application is used to create lessons and apply educational concepts using the Interactive Boards technology. This session will provide typical ways to design interactive lessons and tips to apply classrom simulations, assessments and activities. It also provides Activinspire multimedia tools to address the different learning styles within the curriculum content.

9:55_10:10 Registration for session 2
10:15_12:10 Session2-workshops promptly begin at 10:30

B1: Toward an e-confident school

Presenter: Mrs. Ghina Badawi - Makassed Khalil Shehab Primary School Principal

Audience: Principals, administrators, head of departments, heads of divisions, and coordinators

Description: There is now a rich mixture of ways that schools are using ICT to improve teaching and learning, administration, and communication, and some schools have excelled in that, and are called-confident schools. This session will discuss the ten features of an e- confident school developed by NCSL and Becta. This is to help audience set realistic and attainable goals and targets.

B2: The secret recipe. A teacher for all students

Presenter: Mrs. Mona Mehio-preschool principal

Audience: Pand elementary teachers

Description: what are ge essential skills for a teacher? is there one theory that reaches all kinds of students? How can I implement theories in my classroom? Wat to choose and how to implement theories in my classroom? Wat to choose and how to implement it? Differentiated instruction or individualized educational plans? this workshop would empower teachers with strategies,skills and activities needed for effective teaching and understanding and assessing all types of students.

B3: Putting your best vision forward

Using scenario planning to envision and prepare for an uncertain future

Presenter: Mrs.Hiba Nashebe - Khaled Ben El Walid school principal

Audience:Principals, administrators, head of departments, head of divisions, and coordinators.

Description: As an education leader you face multiple challenges every day. But, do you know what challenges you are likely to face 10 years from now? How about five years from now? It is impossible to predict the future. But, by using a research-based, proven methodology familiar to the business world, you can anticipate and prepare for the future and its many uncertainties. In this session, you will learn about trends of the future,become familiar with the principles of senario-based planning and have an opportunity to apply the method to your own strategic plans.

B4: Teaching Digital Natives

Presenter: Mrs. Rola Kazem-Secondary English language coordinator

Audience: Cycle 2 to 4 teachers.

Description: In today's school system, students are digital natives, from pre-school to the university level. Whereas the teachers are considered digital immigrants who are not as familiar as current students. This workshop aims at bridging the gap between digital natives and digital immigrants on the education system. It offers ways teachers can use technology to assure that deverse digital natives are successful in the general education curriculum.

B5: Integrating Mouse Mischief into the Classroom

Presenter:Mr Ghassan Shahine-Microsoft trainer/Mrs.Rawaa Chehab- A Mathematics teacher

Audience: Cycle 1 and 2 teachers
Description: Mouse Mischief from"Microsoft Corparation" integrates into Microsoft PowerPoint letting teachers insert questions and drawing activity slides into their lessons. Students ans actively participate in these lessons by using their own wireless mice to click, circle, cross out, or draw answers on the screen.

1:45-2:00 Registration for Session 3

2:00-3:55 P.M. Session 3-Workshops promptly begin at 2:00

C1: Developmental theory of leadership

Presenter:Mrs.Hiba Nashebe-Khaled Bin El Walid principal

Audience:Principals,administrators,head of departments,head of divisions, and coordinators.

Description: The constructive-Developmental Theory or ways of kshows that one 's way of knowing is not associated with gender, age, or life phase. Although there are discrete and broad stage in a persons development of his /her way of knowing,it is important to not that there are also distinct and identifiable transitional stages. Our way of knowing shapes the way we understand our role and responsibilities as teachers, principals, or learners and the way we think about what makes a good teacher or a good principal...

C2: Effective Use of technology in teaching: blogging

Presenter: Mrs Ghina Badawi- Kalil shehab principal

Audience: All teachers, but basic familiarity with computers is required.

Description: This hands-on workshop aims at empowering teachers with strategy, skills and activities for a proper implementation of technology in learning, and to introduce blogging as a teaching and learning tool to enhance collaboration and interactivity. Blogs are effective teaching and learning tools because they enable students to reflect and publish their thought and knowledge and receive feedback and scaffolding from their teachers. Other benefits of using blogs as a teaching tool are delineated, including the ways in wich blogs can support the teachers in their teaching

C3: Almost There, but not quite

Presenter: Rola Kazem-Secondary English language coordinator

Audience:Cycle 2 to 4 teachers.

Description: When you tell some teachers about a new approach, they instantly respond, "Oh,Im already doing that". And sometimes they are-sort of, but not entirely. Keeping control of the classroom, ignoring problems with the curriculum, missing the systemic factors, settling for self-disciplines, blaming the students, and manipulating with "positive reinforcement" are some of the few barriers that we need to overcome so as to cause change as intractable to the belief that one doesn't need to change.

C4: Turn Microsoft PowerPoint to an ineractive and assessment tool using ActivOffice :

Presenter:Mr.Rabih Baalbaki-IET Promethean educational technology manager

Audience: All Teachers.

Description:Promethean ActivOffice allows teachers to lead the class in an engaging, two-way lesson. It transforms lessons into powerful interactive powerpoint presentations with the ability to conduct real-time assessments. Add learner response system(LRS) questions both to new and existing slides. Register your LRS devices directly within powerpoint and manage/create questions quickly using question manager. Use the powerfull Import/Export feature to import questions and export audience responses for further analysis.


  1. A great example of perseverance and continuity

    The MERC is shaping up to our expectations and I am sure you are all on the right track, thanks to the serious work of Rana and the Support of Dr Dallal and ardent follow up of Miss Adla

    I am impressed and I wish you success yet in another MERC workshop

  2. We thank you Sir for your inspiration and support. We look forward to this event as successful as all Makassed events with the teachers' participation and valuable presentations.
