
May 3, 2011

MERC Workshops' Presenters in May 2011

A brief CV about the presenters of Makassed ERC workshops that will be conducted on May 20th, 2011

Mrs Ghina Al Badawi is the principal of Makassed Khalil Shehab Primary School. She has masters in education-TEFL from the American University of Beirut and is curretly working on PHD in education at the University of Saint Joseph. She has worked as an English language coordinator for KSPS primary school for eight years. She is also a trainee at he British Council on strategic leadership and integrating technology and teaching (SLICT). Her additional special areas of interest are ECE and environmental work.

Mrs. Hiba Nashabe, principal of Khaled bin al-walid al-Horj College/ Makassed. Certified as a principal for International school leadership from the principals' training Center USA. She is a member of the NCA AdvancED accreditation committee. She attended and presented several workshops in national and international schools and institutions. She was recently a leading presenter in the international summit for education in Chicago.

Miss Maisa'a Koleilat is an English literature and language teacher for Secondary classes at Banat college, she has masters in English Literature from AUB (in progress), BA in English Literature from and Teaching Diploma (TEFL) from AUB. She is an International Baccalaureate teacher of language A1, English Diploma Program, International Baccalaureate Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. She is an English language instructor at Université Saint Joseph and Modern University of Business and Science.

Mrs. Mona Mehio, head of preschool at Khaled Bin al-Walid al-Horj College/ Makassed. She has a BA in early childhood education, candidate for MA in school leadership. She is a trainer for cycle one teachers in public school for five years and worked as a member of the stearing committee which prepared for the NCA AdvancED accreditation. She is a member of the committee that worked on "Toufoulati Kanzi", the Makassed Arabic program for Preschool. She attended several national and international workshops and courses trained in several schools and institutions in and outside Lebanon.

Mr. Rabih Baalbaki is the IET Education Technology manager. ACT College CEO Advanced computer tehnology center founder . Grapheast lebanon general Manager. Board member of syndicate of IT in Lebanon. Member of sworn IT experts of lebanon. Board member of lebanon IT professionals association. Member at the National Association for science and Research. Career planning specialist LCTEC. Microsoft certified trainer and gold certified partner for learning solutions. Established the first Adobe autgorized learning center in ME. UN Consultant for Designing ICT training centers. Worked for International NGOs and Governmental Ministries of Education in the ME region as Educational technology consultant.

Mrs Rawaa Chehab is a Teaching Diploma in Math and Science Education from the Lebanese University. She is a Mathematics teacher at Khalil Shehab Primary School in which she won the "Most Popular Teacher Award" and the "Distinction Award" in Makassed Science Fair. She is also a trainer at the British Council on integrating computer programs in classrooms.

Mrs. Rola Kazem is a secondary teacher and coordinator at Makassed/Omar Ben El Khattab School; Doctoral Pending at the Lebanese University/Doctoral School of Letters and Social Sciences; an MA in TEFL (Amercian University of Beirut), BA and a TD in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Lebanese American University); Has been a language instructor and trainer at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Pedagogy since 2002.