
Nov 30, 2011

We offer you the Names and subjects of the new journals in ERC Library , you can borrow the journal you like by writing a comment.

Name of journals:

1. Modern English teacher -Vol.20-No.4- october 2011

1- The CEF : Walking "can do" backwards.

2- Giving feedback online :Pros and cons.

3- Meaningful English through multimedia projects

4- The language of business and the business of language

5- Department-based seminars: a forum for higher education.

6- IELTS reading without tears

2. Technology and learning - Vol.32- No.4- November 2011

1-New Rules for Schools

2- Four essential mandates for 21 st century districts

3. Young Children - Vol.66-No.6-Nov 2011

1- First School-An Approach that prepares pre-K to 3 Educators to effectively Interpret and Respond to school.

2- Making and taking virtual field trips in pre-k and the primary grades.

3- A Strategy that benefits preschoolers and teachers.

4- Private providers in state pre-K : Vital partners.

5- The National early literacy panel and preschool literacy instruction.

4. Educational leadership- Vol.69-No.3- November 2011

1- Five Obstacles to grading Reform

2- The Case against Grades

3- Reporting student learning

4-Creating student-Friendly tests

5- Making Homework central learning


  1. Dearest Hiba,

    We at khalil Shehab School would like to borrow them all :)

    Thank youuuuu

  2. Hi Miss Rana,
    ok ,I will reserve them all for you :)
