
Mar 19, 2012

ERC New Journals

Names of Journals:

1. Educational Leadership- Vol.69-No.5-February 2012

1- Teaching to what students have in commom

2- Preparing students to learn without us

3- Teach up for excellence

4- Clustered for success

5- All Students are Artists

6- Planning for personalization

7- Just how I need to learn it

2. Teaching Children Mathematics - Vol.18- No.6- February 2012

1- Views of Osometric Geometry

2- A Cultural Introduction to Math

3- How Wedge you teach the Unit-Angle concept?

3. Mathematics Teacher - Vol.105-No.6-February 2012

1-The Popcorn Box Activity and reasoning about optimization

2- Geometry in Media

3- A Natural Approach to the number e

4- Teaching through problem solving

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