
Apr 27, 2012

Makassed OBK School/ A Week in the Life Elementary Flat Classroom Project Press Release

We'd like to share with you the press release for the "A Week in the Life" project that fourth graders at Makassed OBK School have joined in:

The organizers of the Flat Classroom are excited to announce the selection of 31 participating classrooms for the ‘A Week in the Life...’ Project 2012-1. These schools represent more than 600 students, from 9 countries, and runs March through June 2012. The project managers for this project are Toni Barton and Betsye Sargent with assistance from Donna Roman and Donna Esposito, Community Builders, Tina Schmidt, Meetup Manager, and Maureen Tumenas, Multimedia Mentor.

The ‘A Week in the Life...’ Elementary Flat Classroom® Project 12-1 is a global, hands-on project for upper elementary school students which was founded by Julie Lindsay (Beijing, China) and Vicki Davis (Westwood Schools, Georgia, USA) in 2010.

Lindsay and Davis also co-plan and manage the Flat Classroom® Project for upper middle and high school students, the Digiteen™ Project (digital citizenship for middle and high school students), the NetGen Ed™ Project, and the Eracism Project™ that involves middle school students in a global debating event with finals being held in a virtual world and the face-to-face Flat Classroom® Conference held regularly in various places around the world.

Flat Classroom® has been:
included in Thomas Friedman's 3rd edition of The World is Flat, 2007
included in Don Tapscott's book Grown Up Digital, November 2008
Featured in ISTE's recent book publication Reinventing Project Based Learning: Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age by Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss
Featured in the book by Laurence Peters' Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your Students
Featured in the book by Curtis Bonk The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education 2009
In January 2012 Davis and Lindsay released their first book, ‘ __Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time__’ from Pearson Publishing

This year the ‘A Week in the Life...’ Project 12-1 brings together over 600 students in 31 classrooms in 9 countries across the globe. Working in teams of 8-9 students from different schools, they use technology to connect, communicate, and collaborate as they exchange information about a week in their life: how they go to school, where they live, how they get around, what kind of food they eat, what they celebrate, what clothing they wear or languages they speak, what they do in their leisure time, and what the environment is like where they live. Together each team will use a wiki, VoiceThread, or other web 2.0 tool to co-create a final project to share their information with the rest of the group.

Schools Teachers
TEAM A:The Phoenix School, MA Betsye Sargent
Mill Creek School IL Donna Roman
Annunciation Catholic School, CA Kelly Botto, Lori Matsunaga
Global Prospective School, FL Sophie De la Paz
St. Andrew the Apostle School, IL Catriona Lynch, IL
Berkshire Country Day, MA Maureen Tumenas
St. Mary School, IL Gloria Janousek
Robert E. Lee Elementary School, CA Nina Dixon
Brookview Elementary School, OH Joy Meany, Sue Ann Miller
Gilman School, MD Donna Vaccaro, Nick Schloeder
Boneo Primary School, Australia Sally Walsh, Brett Miller
Beijing BISS International School, China Shannon O’Dwyer
Shanghai Community International School, China Sheri de Neef
Terakki Vakfi Okulliari, Turkey Nick Manthel, Arzu Yolacan
Colegio Valle de Filadelfia, Mexico Jacque Smiley
Kortkerosskaya Secondary School, Russia Titiana Visheratina
TEAM B: Lincoln School, RI Betsy Hunt, Kaitlin Palmieri
Cathedral of St. Raymond, IL Theresa Allen
Valleyview Elementary School, NY Emily Gibson, Adam Hoover
China Grove Elementary School, NC Amie Travis
St. Ignacius of Antioch School, PA Tina Schmidt
Pasadena Fundamental School, FL Nancy Watkins
St. Mary Immaculate Parish School, IL Brian Watkins
MacFarland Intermediate School, NJ Donna Esposito
Ballwin Elementary School, MO Tracy Scalzo
Sisli Terakki Schools, Turkey Burak Gencay
Shanghai Community International School, China Jake Varney, Ashley Holst
QSI International School of Bratislava, Slovakia Christine Szeryk
ALMAKASSED Omar Bin Al-Khattab School, Lebanon Rawya Shatila
Kortkerosskaya Secondary School, Russia Ekaterina Kholopova

Apr 26, 2012

The Culture Box Exchange Project: Makassed College for Girls




We're happy to receive our 'Culture Box' from our friends at UNESCO Global Peace in Icheon, South Korea. We feel very connected to have something tangible from our faraway friends. We'd like to thank you for the gifts that represent your culture, and of course, your talents too. 
                                                                                                                   Grade Ten Students

Apr 24, 2012

A Day in the Life of Makassed College for Girls

Makassed College for Girls
It's the colorful world that shines our halls.
It's the experience we share.
It's the creative use of ICT.
It's the happy-fun time moments.
It's the friendships we form and the memories we make.


 Here is our daily experiences at our school video that we have just shared with our ePals from Ellis Middle School for Girls in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

a screenhot of the message we have just received

Now it's the time to discuss and compare the similarities and differences.

                                                                                                             Grade Ten Students

Apr 21, 2012

زيارة البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الرّاعي

لبّى غبطة البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي مساء اليوم الثلاثاء 17 نيسان 2012 دعوة العشاء الذي نظمّته جمعية المقاصد الخيريّة الإسلاميّة على شرفه بحضور مفتي رئيس الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قبّاني، رئيس أساقفة بيروت المطران بولس مطر، المطران كميل زيدان، رئيس جمعية المقاصد أمين الداعوق، الوزير السابق ميشال إدّه، أمين عام المدارس الكاثوليكية في لبنان الأب بطرس عازار، مدير عام وزارة التربية فادي يرق، الأب مروان تابت، المونسنيور جوزيف بواري،الأب نبيه الترس،أعضاء مجلس أمناء جمعية المقاصد، مدير مؤسسة العرفان الشيخ علي زين الدين،المدير الإعلامي في الصرح البطريركي المحامي وليد غيّاض،طلاّب من المدارس الكاثوليكية والإسلامية والدرزية وفعاليات سياسيّة،إعلاميّة، إجتماعيّة وثقافيّة، في حرم "كلية المقاصد للبنات" في الباشورة وهي أوّل مدرسة للجمعية وقد تأسست منذ 153عاماً بهدف تثقيف المرأة وتفعيل دورها في المجتمع
 لمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنكم تصفّح المواقع التّالية

Apr 20, 2012

A Day in the Life of Ellis Middle School for Girls

watching our friends' ppt presentation

discussing similarities and differences

The Ellis School is for girls in pre-kindergarten (aged 3) through 12th grade.
It is in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
It is a beautiful campus in a beautiful city!

It's so interesting to know how our new friends spend their day at  Ellis Middle School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. We watched the power point presentation they have sent us and learned about the activities held at their school. We are also excited to read our first messages and write back. It's really wonderful to develop a bond with epals from USA.

Many thanks to Ms. Gregg Stone, the Middle School director and to our friends for sharing and being so awesome! Thank you ePals for expanding our world!

Grade Ten Students at Makassed College for Girls

Apr 12, 2012

العمرة المقاصديّة 2012

صور رحلة العمرة عبر موقع المقاصد

ألّلهم وفّق المعتمرين المقاصديّين"

أّلّلهم استجب دعواتهم

اللهم تقبّل طاعاتهم

اللهم أرزقهم بركاتك 

وسهّل أمورهم 

واجعل من إيمانهم قدوة 

ورحّب قدومهم الى بيتك الحرام

واشكر سعيهم 

اللهم فرِّج همومهم

واقض حاجاتهم

يا مجيب الدّعوات

يا أرحم الرّاحمين

وصلّي اللهم على سيّدنا محمّد وعلى أصحابه الأخيار

وسلّم تسليما كثيرا"
رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الدّاعوق

Apr 9, 2012

"Picture It" Project: Makassed OBK School

Makassed OBK students worked with 23 other classrooms from around the world to complete one collaborative piece of art. Each classroom colored one section of the drawing and mailed out the completed sections of art to every classroom on this list:

...with a completed template to share a bit about their classroom:

Each classroom received artwork sections from the other classrooms on the list to complete the BIG picture. 

Apr 8, 2012

Makassed KBWH College's Spring Festival

"Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing. We love you KBWH Makassed, thanks to all who made this day a happy day."
Mrs. Ghina Khattab Noureddine

Apr 7, 2012

ERC New Journals

We have received Newest journals in ERC , you can borrow at any time you want by writing comment .

Names of New Journals:

1- Teaching Children Mathematics - Vo.18- No.7

1. Out -of-this World Calculations

2. A Maths-Box Tale

3.Conceptualizing Division with Remainders

4.Authentic geometry adventures

5. CCSSM: Getting started in K-Grade 2

2- Educational Leadership - Vol.69-No.6-March 2012

1. Adolescent Literacy: More Than Remediation

2. Teaching genre with purpose

3.Teaching for historical literacy

4. Adress reading problem early

5. What you ve learned about teaching reading

3- Mathematics Teacher - Vol.105-No.7-March 2012

1. Tapering Timbers: Finding the volume of conical frustums

2. Pondering on pocket-sized polyhedra

3. Discovering the inscribed Angle theorem

4. Fostering Spatial vs. Metric understanding in geometry

4- Tech & learning -Vol 32-No.8-March 2012

1. 21 century student handbook: Teaching today's web-centric Kids

2. Schoolcio :On Notice

3. The BUzz about Apple's iBook

Apr 6, 2012

Jigsaw Planet

Jigsaw Planet is an application for playing online jigsaw puzzles. You can create your own puzzles from images or try to solve lots of free puzzles.
Here are the steps on how to use Jigsaw Planet:
- Go to Jigsaw Planet Website.
- Sign up and confirm your email address.
- Hit the 'create' button. Select an image and choose the shape and sizes of your puzzle pieces.
- Click 'play'...simply drag and drop the pieces.

Try this Jigsaw puzzle: Earth Day 2012

Apr 4, 2012

A Parent's Guide to 21st-Century Learning | Edutopia

In many schools, the Internet is creating a revolution in how we reach and teach our students and prepare them for success. But there’s a lack of information about why and how students need to master new technologies. 
Download the guide today and share it with parents you know:
"A Parent's Guide to 21st Century Learning." You can also provide parents with a list of ideas that they act on immediately:  "Ten Tips to Bring 21st-Century Skills Home."

Apr 3, 2012

أسبوع الأمّ والطّفل: وحدة شوؤن المتطوّعين المقاصديّين

بمناسة أسبوع الأم والطفل ولمناسبة انعقاد مؤتمر العمل التطوعي المنظم من قبل مركز لبنان للعمل التطوعي نظمت وحدة المتطوعين المقاصديين الجمعة 30/3/2012 سلسلة من النشاطات وهي على الشكل التالي  

_ حفل عيد الأم تم تكريم الأم الفاضلة السيدة حنيفة الداعوق رئيسة جمعية سيدات المقاصد وامهات دار العجزة الاسلامية حيث حضر الحفل رئيس
 جمعية المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الداعوق ووفد عربي على رأسه أمين عام الاتحاد العربي للعمل التطوعي الأستاذ يوسف الكاظم والعديد من الأمهات في دار العجزة الاسلامية ومداراء المدارس
_ نشاط بيئي في كلية علي بن أبي طالب حيث اطلع الوفد من مديرة الكلية السيدة غنى البدوي على نشاطات النادي وقام متطوعو النادي بطرش الملعب وزرع الأحواض المحيطة بالكلية 
_ حفل لأطفال سرطان الدم في مستشفى المقاصد بحضور مدير المستشفى والوفد المرافق و جمعية سيدات المقاصد حيث وزعت الحلوى والهدايا على الأطفال 
_ نظمت ادارة الشؤون الاجتماعية محاضرة عن الشيخ مصطفى نجا رئيس جمعية المقاصد سابقا أيضا بحضور رئيس جمعية المقاصد ورئيس الوفد العربي الأستاذ يوسف الكاظم 
 حفل غذاء على شرف الوفد المرافق

Apr 1, 2012

Flatclassrooms Live in Unesco

Participants of Flatclassrooms Live, UNESCO, March 29th

école poétique a meeting place for poetry lovers

Makassed Khadija El-Kobra and Makassed Aicha Om El-Mou'minin students shared reading poems with friends from France, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Indonesia with great motivation and joy! 

To know more about this poetry live session, visit Makassed Aicha Om El-Mou'minin School blog:
Lecture Poetique de Sleiman El- Issa

Special 'Thank You' to Vincent Mespoulet, administrator of
School Beyond the Walls