
May 28, 2012

Sami and the Gruffalo on StoryJumper: Makassed OBK School

a writing session with Gruffalo

Second Graders at Makassed OBK School have built their own book, 'Sami and the Gruffalo',  using Story Jumper. Kindly click on the link below to start reading their story:

....and here is the link to second graders' post on their friends' blog:

Microsoft Image Composite Editor, "ICE"

Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher which can create a high-resolution panorama that seamlessly combines the original images. You can even share the stitched panorama with friends and view in 3D by uploading it to the Photosynth web site. You can also save the panorama in a wide variety of image formats including HD View, Silverlight Deep Zoom, JPEG, PNG and more. It is easy to use and includes several stitching methods.

 You can download Microsoft Image Composite Editor for free HERE

Microsoft's Photosynth, the Best Thing to Happen to Photography ...

Photosynth is a software application from Microsoft that analyzes digital photographs and generates a three- dimensional model of the photos. 
You can create and share personal photosynths for class activities or use public photosynths from other contributors to explore far-off places.

Learn how to reconstruct a 3D experience from flat photographs and create beautifully stitched panoramas and share online in this short video:

Big Dance 2012/ British Council

Nijmeh Square in downtown Beirut broke into dance Friday afternoon with BIG Dance 2012, sponsored by the British Council. Visit the Daily Star Website to read about this event:

Lebanon's Nijmeh Square erupts ... in dance

May 25, 2012

May 24, 2012

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012

Microsoft Imagine Cup is a competition that challenges students to use technology to address the world's toughest problems.

Find the complete list of all the Imagine Cup 2012 Worldwide Finalists HERE.

Coming soon- Imagine Cup can REGISTER now and stay in the loop on news about next year's competition.  Check out other Microsoft Student programs at:Microsoft Student Website.

May 22, 2012

SketchUp Online 3D in the Classroom

a new site that was launched yesterday

a program for creating 3D models to use in maps and online portfolios

 How to Get Started with Google SketchUp

How to use SketchUp in the Classroom

 Learn more about SketchUp for Education at

May 14, 2012

GigaPan: Every Pixel Tells a Story

Gigapans are gigapixel panoramas, digital images with billions of pixels. They are huge panoramas with fascinating detail, all captured in the context of a single brilliant photo. Phenomenally large, yet remarkably crisp and vivid, gigapans are available to be explored at Zoom in and discover the detail of over 50,000 panoramas from around the world.

every pixel tells a story video

This image is an example of a GigaPan.Scroll in any direction and zoom in on the picture...SO IMPRESSIVE!

Explore, share, create, and educate with GigaPan!

May 12, 2012

"A Week in the Life" Project: Popplet Assignment

Popplet Screenshots/ 'ALM' is ALMAKASSED school code
 how fourth graders at Makassed OBK School and friends
from different schools around the world
  are using Popplets.

How to Add Popples

Special 'THANK YOU' to Mrs. Nabiha Karanouh Tabbara, Ms. Maliha Fdawi,
Mrs. Nada Shoukair, and Mr. Mazen El-Sheikh!

May 11, 2012

The Gruffalo's Travels Project: Makassed OBK School

Gruffalo is in Lebanon! Safe and Sound!
Third and Fourth Graders at Point View Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand, have a class mascot called, "The Gruffalo", a small soft toy. They sent him off on adventures to second graders at Makassed OBK School and here he is enjoying every single day in Beirut.

Second graders at Makassed Omar Bin Al- Khattab School have been taking turns having Gruffalo go home with them. They are having so much fun learning the Gruffalo's song, listening to his story, and playing games.  They also began writing their adventures in his travel journal and adding photos. Zeina and Faika would like you to watch their videos to see how much they enjoy having Gruffalo visit them!

To know more about "The Gruffalo's Travels", visit the project blog HERE.
Special Thank You to Ms. Kimberley Rivett and Mr. Michael Graffin!

May 9, 2012

BBC World's Biggest School Assembly: Makassed KSPS

On Tuesday 8 May, “BBC World Class” hosted the World’s Biggest School Assembly.
For 24 hours, schools across the world took part in this truly global event that gave young people a voice in the build up to the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The whole event was streamed live on the BBC website and with BBC World Service broadcasts from the event during the day.
Running alongside the broadcast operation was a world record attempt concerning the number of students involved in the assembly.
Schools interacted with others all day via BBC Facebook Page.
Thus, schools tuned in throughout the day to hear what other schools talked about and shared schools news.
KSPS students participated in this assembly. They talked about their experience in promoting healthy habits through participating in different international activities.
Click Here to visit KSPS website to watch the video of the assembly held today at our school.

May 8, 2012

New Journals in ERC

Names of new journals:

1- Mathematics teacher - Vol.105-No.8-April 2012

1. The Devil and Daniel's spreadsheet: A Tool that combines the power of computer algebra and traditional spreadsheets can greatly enhance the study of recursive processes.
2. Multiple proof approaches and Mathematical connections: Using technology to explore the Three Altitudes of a triangle problem,students devise many proofs for their conjectures/
3.Practicing algebric skills: A conceptual approach: Integrating procedures and thinking processes makes learning more meaningful
4.Dragging and Making sense of invariants in Dynamic geometry
5.Enhancing Understanding of transformation matrices

2- Teaching children Mathematics - Vol.18-No.8- April 2012

1. Calculating puddle size: First-Grade students' cooperative problem solving to develop the concept of measurement gives their teacher an eye-opening preassessment.
2.Making sense of Fractions and percentages: Teaching young children to create equal-size groups is your tresure map for building students flexible, connected understanding of and reasoning about ratios,Fractions,and multiplicative operations.
3. CCSSM: Teaching in Grades 3 and 4

3- Educational Leadership- Vol.69-No.7-April 2012

1. The Common core of readiness
2.How do we teach students to care deeply about their country?
3. College and Career Readiness: Same or Different?
4. Why we need more and better career education and counseling.
5. Motivating students to aspire to college and career requires a developmental approach.
6.How to talk about Religion?
7.What Schools can do to adress barriers to college readiness for all.
8.How some schools are encouraging young people to transform their world.
9. High school students are lobbying leaders to give all students a civics-rich classroom experience like their own.
10. An early college experience creates expectations for success.
11. A Real World starts here .

May 5, 2012

'Picture2Life': All-New Collage Maker

 a great free tool for creating photo collages online

Picture 2 Life has lots of different templates. You can easily edit, collage, animate, and share your pictures online.
You can...

add a text mask to your photos
turn your photos into a work of art
monochrome your photos
customize your facebook banner
collage maker: 20 customizable collage templates

Try it's free!

"A Week in the Life" Project: Handshakes by Fourth Graders/ Makassed OBK School

Fourth Graders' Handshake 

screenshot of the comments on the class' handshake

Students also created individual handshakes to their sub-teams using Voki, Glogster, Animoto, and Jigsaw Planet web tools. Click on the student's name and go to his/ her handshake. You will certainly enjoy watching their vokis and solving their jigsaw puzzles.

Bashir K
Mohammad K
Lyn  B
Janeen K
Mohammad W
Sara B
Sara S
Omar H
Aya K
Mohammad M
Amal A
Bilal K
Kamela K
Anees S
Mira Y
Ragheed N
Faisal S
Nour O
Abdullah S
Aya Kh
Ahmad R
Mohammad Kh
Nour H
Mohammad D
Aya H

A very BIG thank you goes to Mrs. Nabiha Tabbara, Maliha Fdawi, and Nada Shukair for the effort you have made. Thank you fourth graders, you did a great job! and get ready for the next assignment!

...and here is my handshake to 'Housing and Transportation' B1 team:
Rawya Shatila

About Us 'Popplet'

May 1, 2012

توقيع مذكّرة تفاهم بين المقاصد وادفانسيد الاميركيّة


 الإثنين 30 نيسان 2012
وقّعت جمعيّة المقاصد الخيريّة الاسلاميّة في بيروت ممثّلة برئيسها المهندس أمين الدّاعوق مذكّرة تفاهم مع مؤسّسة  الأميركيّة لضمان الجودة العالميّة في التّعليم ممثّلة بنائب الرّئيس للخدمات الدوليّة في المؤسّسة الدّكتور روب ليفيلي، وذلك في مؤتمر صحافي أقيم في مبنى الإدارة العامّة للجمعيّة في حضور أعضاء من مجلس الأمناء والهيئة التعليميّة وبعد التوقيع، أكّد رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد المهندس أمين الدّاعوق في كلمة له على "اهتمام المقاصد بضمان جودة التّعليم في مدارسها وفي مدارس لبنان عامّة، خاصة المدارس الرسميّة"، ولفت الى "كيفية اعتماد المقاصد معايير الجودة الدوليّة من أجل التّطوير المستمر للعمل التربوي في مدارسها حسب المعايير العالميّة
  لمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنكم تصفّح المواقع التّالية