
Jun 25, 2012

ISTE 2012: "Expanding Horizons"

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK–12 and teacher education. This year’s theme for ISTE is Expanding Horizons.
Join ISTE 2012 and discover how educators from around the world are using innovative technologies to help students expand their horizons.

For more information about ISTE Conference 2012 and how to connect virtually, visit the ISTE 2012 website.

Jun 22, 2012

ذكرى تأسيس جمعيّة المقاصد

كلمة رئيس جمعيّة المقاصد الأستاذ أمين الداعوق بمناسبة ذكرى تأسيس المقاصد 135

كل عام والمقاصديّين الأصيلين بحمىً من الله تعالى بألف خير... 135 عالماً مضت على الّلحظة الّتي قال فيها الأبرار حمداً لك يا من يسّرتنا لتأليف جمعيّة تقوم بمقاصدنا الخيريّة... كلمات جميلة كتبها أحرار بنّاءون غير هدّامون...فاستمرّت أجيال ونفعت الأجيال هؤلاء لم يتفوهوا بما يهدم ... قرأوا قرآناً صادقاً
...عملوا بموجب آياته العظيمة في سورة إبراهيم

بسم الله الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ


صدق الله العظيم


كل عام والمقاصديّين  بألف خير
...لنا الغد...

Jun 11, 2012

Student Summit for "A Week in the Life" Project- Makassed OBK 4th Graders

Student Summit for "A Week in the Life" Project... 
Finally, and after six weeks of connecting, communicating, and collaborating, Fourth Graders at Makassed OBK School had the chance to meet their friends! The last part of the project was a wonderful experience!Using Blackboard Collaborate, each class was invited to present the project findings to the accumulated audience. Special interactions and experiences occured during this event. Special and BIG thank you goes to Mr. Ghassan Droubi, Mr. Mazen Al-Sheikh, Mrs.Nabiha Karanouh Tabbara, Mrs.Maliha Fdawi, Mrs Nada Shukair, and of course to our fourth did a great job!

استلام صندوق الأثر الشّريف

Photos by Mr. Mohamad Machnouk 

 The Box that had three hairs of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is to be kept by Makassed University (Faculty of Higher Islamic Studies). The hairs were presented to the Omari Grand Mosque in Down Town, Beirut by the Ottoman Sultan in 1862, but the locked box was looted among other items from the mosque in the war of 1976.


آل الفاخوري يعهدون بالصّندوق الّذي كان يحتوي على ثلاث شعرات للرّسول محمّد  (صلعم) إلى جامعة المقاصد ( مكتبة كلّية الدّراسات الإسلاميّة) الصّندوق كان قد خلع وسرقت محتوياته من المسجد العمري الكبير في وسط بيروت في الحرب عام 1976، وقد وضع في عهدة المقاصد من قبل آل الفاخوري المؤتمنين على الصّندوق من قبل السلطنة العثمانيّة منذ جرى تقديم الشّعرات إلى المسجد في عام 1862

Jun 9, 2012

A Week in the Life Project: Makassed OBK Voicethreads

Fourth Graders at Makassed OBK School were divided into groups of six to eight other students to share and create voicethreads. They have researched different topics in their community. After discussing their ideas with their friends through the "Popplet" tool, they collected multimedia for their topics to add them to their sub- group voicethreads.
The topics were:
School, Leisure Time, Housing and Transportation, Food and Celebrations, Clothing and Language, and Environment. 
The guided questions were:
  • What are the similarities and differences among children around the world and how can we connect through commonalities?
  • How does your geography impact your theme topic? 
    Here are some of the voicethreads of fourth graders sub- groups:

    Faisal: Leisure Time B6
    Nour: Food and Celebrations B2
    Mohammad: Housing and Transportation B1
    Bashir: School Time B1
    Mohammad: Language and Clothing B4
    Janeen: School Time B4
    Sara: Language and Clothing B5
    Aya: Food and Celebrations B3
    Abed: Environment B2
    Omar: School Time B6
    Nour: Environment B1
    Bilal: Housing and Transportation B2
    Mira: Leisure Time B4
    Mohammad: School Time B2
    Ahmad: Food and Celebrations B5
    Ragheed: Housing and Transportation B5

    Jun 5, 2012

    101 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About

    The 101 best web 2.0 tools for teachers based on functionality, application, ease of use and compatibility with educational technology:

     101 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 

    Thanks to Mr. Baldev Singh for sharing

    Jun 4, 2012

    A Day of Learning: Teacher Learning Community

    WHAT: "Day of Learning"

    WHEN: Tuesday, June 5, 2012

    WHO: All are invited, but space is limited

    COST: Free!

    Day of Learning Webinar Titles
    1. More Interactive Sites for Your Interactive Whiteboard
    2. Digital Differentiation: An Overview of Tools and Resources
    3. Integrating Technology and Marzano's Instructional Strategies
    4. How To Get The Most From the Teacher Learning Community
    5. Help Students Learn Vocabulary Using a Fun, Free Tool
    6. Tech Tools to Support Creativity in the Classroom
    7. Access Your Files from Anywhere Using Google Drive

     Register for as many webinars as you can HERE.