Nov 26, 2009

General Knowledge Riddle

Which body parts remain always with the same size from birth?

Quelles parties du corps conservent toujours leurs tailles après la naissance?

ما هي أجزاء الجسم التي تحافظ دائماً على حجمها منذ الولادة؟

May this holy Eid bring success, peace and prosperity to our beloved Makassed with the continuous guidance and inspiration of our great leader, our president Mr. Amine Daouk.

Wishing you good luck and happy Eid

Nov 21, 2009

From Test Takers to Test Makers

How can teachers make students become partners in the assessment process?

To be able to answer this question, please click on the following link:

Every Day in Every Classroom

By Laura Greenstein

Educational Leadership

November 2009

Any teacher can incorporate formative assessment into teaching routines. Here's how.
When students walk into a classroom that promotes learning through formative assessment, they notice. Mei notices the weekly learning goals posted on the board that help her focus. Ernesto enjoys the activities at the beginning of each unit that probe how much he knows about a topic; he understands that he will learn much more along the way. Casey feels secure knowing exactly how grades will be determined, and she is becoming good at assessing her own and her classmates' work using rubrics...
...Because students have such a range of learning styles and needs, teachers need a repertoire of strategies to make formative assessment work. Before I administer a summative assessment, I pull the following strategies out of my bag of tricks—as I begin an instructional unit, during instruction, and even after I have finished direct instruction.

Which strategies does the author use in During-Instruction Check-Ins?

To be able to answer this question, continue reading the article by clicking on this link:

Solve the Riddle and Win

By what name is the ancient city of Byzantium known today?

The winner is the first person who answers correcly.

Good Luck

إحزر واربح

من هو مؤّلف وملحّن النشيد الوطني اللبناني؟

الرابح هو أول من يعطي جواباً صحيحاً
كل عام وأنتم بخير


Mon premier est la dent pointue du chien.

Il faut apprendre par coeur mon deuxième pour passer le permit de conduire.

J'aimerai vivre sur mon troisème ...pourvu qu'elle soit desertes!

Mon tout est un animal dangereux.

Le gagnant est le premier qui répondra correctement.

Bonne Chance

Nov 17, 2009

A Computer BYTE Prize

Miss Rawaa Shehab won the Makassed ERC prize for the 2nd BLOG riddle whose answer was a computer BYTE.
We would like to thank all the participants wishing you better luck next times.


Mrs. Ghina Badawi won the Makassed ERC prize for the 1st BLOG riddle whose answer was STARTLING. Mrs. Badawi recommended giving her prize to "Ahmad Melhem", a 2nd grade student in Khalil Shehab School.


Nov 14, 2009

Riddles of the week

1. What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

2. ما هو الحيوان المائي الذي له ثلاثة قلوب؟

Nov 7, 2009

Read and Laugh

Things you might hate about people!!!!

  • When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks, “Has the bus come yet?” If the bus came would I be standing here, stupid?

  • People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is mate, where is yours?

  • People who say things like 'My eyes aren't what they used to be'. So what did they used to be? Ears? Hands? Wellington boots?

  • When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too".Damn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it?

  • When people say, while watching a film, "Did you see that?" No stupid, I paid 10 Pounds to come to the cinema and stare at the floor.

The Riddle of the Week

Do you know what is the smallest bite?

Think about it, write your answer(s), and try to be the first one who would write the correct answer in order to win the ERC prize.

3...2...1... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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